Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Mighty Sand Dunes

Despite the cold weather and rainy mist, the Ultimate Oregon A Expeditioners were in fine spirits yesterday morning. It had been an eventful couple of days to say the least. The leaders were incredibly impressed with the entire groups level of enthusiasm while in the Surf. Jacob was the first to admit that he would be forever addicted to surfing and will be planning a surf trip upon returning home. All of the kiddos were able to stand up on the longboards and enjoy the long, rolling breakers. LE Leader Peter remarked that he couldn't believe how long the kiddos continued to surf each day. The combination of cold water surfing and hot backcountry dinners led to very early bedtimes for the crew each night. On the second day of surfing the group witnessed an incredible Search and Rescue operation from their surfboards. Apparently, a sea kayaker was wiped out to see and stranded on a long rock about 200 yards from shore. The kids watched as a helicopter lower a search and rescue professional down to the sea kayaker, and pulled him up and out to safety. To quote the group "It was the coolest thing, ever!" 

Upon completing the Surfing section the trip headed South to the Oregon Sand Dunes to parttake in a community service project with the Surfrider Foundation. The Oregon Sand Dunes are a one of a kind place. Be sure to take a look at the photos posted on Picasa and videos on Facebook. They will be taking on the Dunes via sandboards today, and we will look forward to seeing action shots from them soon.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Epic Start To Utlimate Oregon A

Report from the field:

In summarizing the start of the Ultimate Oregon trip, Longacre Veteran leader Greg used just one word “Epic”.  The first evening featured an “epic” BBQ on the coast Oregon with a wondrous sunset over the Pacific. The 1st day of surfing with the legendary  surf instructor Paul Hansen, featured “epic” conditions, with all kids standing up on their boards. Both Jakes /Jacob paddled out in the line up, and enjoyed some great surf. “The waves are so much longer here’” both boys quoted! Last night, the group had their first Group, with great insights and input from all. Afterwards, in a round of 2 Truths and a Lie, Longacre leader Miranda ultimate lie was exposed. She had kept a terrific British accent intact since the beginning of the trip and they all believed she hailed from Bath, England. Upon hearing the news that she was an American from Vail, Colorado, Emma remarked,” Awww! I liked your old voice so much better!” Miranda has committed to fulfilling both identities throughout the remainder of the expedition. Second day of surfing starts today!